Could everyone write one simple essay about something that once happened in Saltaire…that they saw or were a part of…and put it on one big website? Somebody should collect a lot of stories before we all forget. Otherwise it is like a line in “On The Beach” : The history of the war that now would never be written.” -(JO'H)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Houses for Sale in Saltaire

link to a useful Fire Island History from SUNY press here, although it is not comprehensive or current

1 comment:

Frank Mina said...

The house on the top page above "BUNGALOWS" was Loucks', President of F.I.B.D.C., then Bert McKevett, thereafter Arthur S. McQuillan ($4,800)in 1939 and eventually mine until April, 1989. No other home built in Saltaire followed that exact layout.
Capt. Frank